Thursday, January 6, 2011

on unnecessary exposure

yyyyyyeah, sorry about that last post. you can ignore it if you want. meh, most of you probably have already. it's whatever.

I guess this whole "It's a new year!" thing has kind of gotten to me. In recording my new year's resolutions (err, in ATTEMPTING to record them... Have I mentioned that I'm a bit of a procrastinator?), I've realized a lot about myself. A lot that I want to change. And I suppose the first step in changing yourself is admitting you have a problem...

So that explains that.


This isn't my ukulele. But I just got one that looks a lot like this :)
STORYTIME: When I left Utah in August, a good friend of mine agreed to help me take care of putting all my stuff in storage. The day or so after I left, another friend came over and gifted me an ukulele that he had been letting me borrow. Turns out his friend bought him a new one from Hawaii, and he thought I'd appreciate the present. Anyway, friend number one texts me while I'm in Washington, tells me the situation. And I'm super excited! A few days later, I get another text. "I'm SO sorry :(" I guess she fell off the couch and busted my uke. Like, TO'E UP. I was disappointed, and she felt just awful about it. So awful that she bought me a new one a few days ago. She even got a soft case for it so I'll have a way to store it safely. What a dear.

In any case, this is the song (and arrangement) that I've been practicing the most in the three days that I've had my new instrument. I know you're dying to hear it:

Rhythm of Love - The Plain White Ts

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