Tuesday, May 3, 2011

craft monster.


I'm a fan of dedicating things to stuff.
(yes, I know how stupid that sounds)

I dedicated last summer to foreign films and ended up discovering my favorite zombie movie (a Norwegian film called Dead Snow, checkitouttt). I've decided to dedicate this summer to CRAFTS.

A craft a week, that's the goal. So far so good. Granted, I've only been at it for a week. But I got a cool rug out of it (which I'm selling to my friend for $10, by the way). And I'm in the middle of making a piƱata for the sick Cinco de Mayo party I'm throwing. After that, I don't really have any ideas... I think I'm going to make a bouquet of paper flowers? I don't know... I'm sure I'll come up with something creative and totally awesome. If I was good at wood-working, I'd totally make this. Alas, another time.

1 comment:

  1. TOTES JELLY! I wish I had a summer to dedicate to crafts!
    Ummmmm if I see cool things I will pass them on :)
